Water coolers and drinking fountains Blog

Cananletas increased by 35% in the departament of cooler sanitisation and maintenance
The company has earned the confidence of its clients through a serious of rigorous and comprehensive maintenance service protocols that apply to all aspects of the company.El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona),20 April 2009
Finding new strategies to survive in the market and continue to grow. Following this philosophy, Canaletas focus its business model on professionalism and customer service, offering optimal coverage from the moment of purchase to the Maintenance and technical support services.
Over the past year Canaletas increased by 39% the number of Customer Services on 2007, which represented a 11% increase in turnover in the department of Maintenance and technical support services (MTSS)."The evolution of our MTSS has been progressive and very positive," said José Antonio Moya, head of department of Maintenance and technical support services for Canaletas. "The first major change occurred in 2008 and the end of the first quarter of 2009 and we have obtained an increase of 31% with a 35% increase in turnover of the MTSS."
According to Mr. Moya, growth in demand for such services is because companies are becoming increasingly aware of how important it is to take good care of their water coolers and drinking water fountains. Maintenance is left to Canaletas: "Besides the quality of own water coolers, drinking water fountains and its own factory with more than 40 years of experience, offers a MTSS Canaletas own specialized exclusively in the maintenance of water coolers." The company applies a rigorous control of protocols and also, on an annual basis, reminding customers when to perform maintenance, and taking care of the entire process.
Canaletas has three maintenance protocols applied, among other criteria, depending on the water cooler or drinking fountain. Which can include the replacements and a status review of the filters or even the sanitation process that consists of a complete disinfection, using a unique sanitation system in Europe. In all reviews there is a general inspection included, including for example, the level of cooling, correct operation of the pumps, valves, thermostatically controlled water connections and any adjustments needed for proper operation. Thus, on review, Canaletas technicians ensure that the water cooler or drinking water fountain is in a perfect state.
Canaletas stresses the importance of MTSS staff have the necessary skills to carry out the maintenance process: "It is imperative to have a food handler course, training in Canaletas has also been extended to all factory staff working in contact with water coolers such as the departments of quality control and packing. " Technicians also must comply with the regulations on occupational hazards and health and safety. Canaletas employees have completed courses of training in occupational risk prevention, epidemic control, etc..
The MTSS of Canaletas covers maintenance of all types of businesses and organizations, regardless of the number of water coolers or drinking water fountains that are installed. Many of these companies select a stringent criteria and only companies duly accredited and recognized for expertise can perform this service.
In their passion for perfection, the company plans a new phase of development for its service center "to expand coverage in Catalonia as in Madrid and then implement our system of MSTT in Vizcaya, Andalucía, Valencia and Galicia through of their official distributors. "
About Canaletas
Canaletas is a family run company founded in 1965, which focuses on the design and manufacture of all types of water coolers and drinking water fountains. Its headquarters are based in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona),the company has different branches throughout the country and a distribution network covering the majority of European countries, while exporting to many different areas around the world.
Currently, Canaletas is the most experienced manufacturer of water coolers and drinking fountains in Europe and is characterized by its innovative spirit, this can be seen by the numerous patents that have been registered throughout its 45 year history. The company is now run by the second generation and is notable for the quality of its products that stand the test of time and offer a "life cycle" superior to most other coolers and drinking water fountains on the market.